Kline Family

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Come on, Sing with me!

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Ali's imagination is taking flight...

Ali has discovered making forts, or tents, but unlike most of the kids I know, she believes she is such a princess that she calls them 'castles'... she's so funny!

Nothing is out of bounds for Evie anymore... makes the expensive fire gate worth it now!

We don't know where she got it, but one day Ali wouldn't stop begging you to play soccer with her, and then next day it turned into hockey (using her toy broom and toy mop as the sticks!) Her imagination is sure growing! (and as I'm typing this she is telling me to run from the monster that is on the floor... she's running saying "ahhh, he'll get me!")

Ok, I just like this picture... she's becoming such a big girl!

My little baby is growing up -- into finger food, holding her own cup, crawling, cruising around the furniture, pulling herself up... she's even tried to stand on her own a few times... it always ends up in a big fall though!

Ok, this is just too adorable... she is beautiful, and look at the picture below, from last February... same hat, same beautiful girl! What a year does....

She so wishes she could stand on her own and walk like her sister! That bum up in the air is funny to me :)

The majority of January 2009

Ali set up a picnic for her and mommy on the livingroom floor.. cupcakes in pots... haha

Evie riding her puppy!

snuggle time! Look at how happy those two are, Ali started telling me yesterday "I love Evie, mommy" So precious!

reading with my girls...Ali woke up one afternoon from her nap, and when I went in, she was naked and had this dress in her hands, asking to wear the princess dress... it's a little big, but is adorable! It was made by a great aunt for me when I was little!

Daddy needs a haircut, and Evie looks just as unimpressed about it as mommy ;)

Ali loves to get into Evie's crib and play with her!

My goof ball found a bathing suit in Evie's room and tried to put it on... it was a little snug!

Evie enjoys making a mess with the kitchen!

Evie had learned how to get into a sitting position all by herself, and whenever she woke up that was how we'd find her, so one morning Adam and I grabbed the camera and ran up to get a shot of it, and this is how we found her! she pulled herself up to standing for the first time! Look at that proud smile!

Evie is always found in weird places now... She's happy about it though!

Look at those big blue eyes!

My girls and their cabbage patch dolls from Great Aunt Marion

Evie, after first opening her cabbage patch doll...
My girls are learning how to play together.... :)

Ok, so I know that this is a terrible picture, but it makes me laugh. I had the girls all pretty and ready to go to church, and tried to take a picture and this is the only one I could get!