Kline Family

Monday, February 25, 2008

Do the Ali Jump!

All this practise Sunday at the MacDonald's paid off; today Ali was really jumping all on her own.

A Weekend in Halifax...

Happy to be visiting her friends Doey and Blair

Having fun with Dickie (Blair) Saturday morning

Spending the morning at the Market Ali says, "But I want a pastry..."
"...that's better."

Pastor Daddy and Doctor Dickie being silly

Lots of fun at the Market and some amazing food!

A little shopping at Old Navy

It looks like Daddy is taunting Ali with her new bouncy ball

And this looks like it could be an ad for Old Navy, having fun in the kids section

Hanging out at the bookstore

Enjoying some dinner

Playing with Doey before bedtime

Our Princess

Getting ready for church

Napping on the way home with Daddy's new Habs pillow. Exhausted from an awesome weekend with the MacDonald's!

Our Little Big Girl...

Ali colour-(or color)-ing at her new big-girl table
She loves to do puzzles there as well

Here's Ali drawing at the dinner table, everything on the page is by her hand and if you notice on the right she apparently knows how to write an "A"
Even though we try to stop her, one of Ali's new hobbies is reorganizing the contents of the fridge

Thursday, February 21, 2008


WOW -- so we just wanted to share a little story with everyone.

Today Ali was spinning in circles in the kitchen, getting dizzy enough that she can't stand up straight, when all of a sudden she stopped and said "Ooh". Mommy said "what, Do you have to go potty?" And she grabbed her diaper and said "peepee" and started to do a big girl "I gotta go" dance. So mommy grabbed her, ripped of her diaper and put her on the potty... Ali played around for a few minutes (playing peek-a-boo with the shower curtain) and then she stood up and mommy saw that there was pee pee in the potty!!! How exciting! She was very proud of herself too, once we all acknowledged what she had done, and she was clapping and smiling big smiles.

We know that this is only one incident, but we are So proud of her and excited. Maybe we do have hope of having her potty trained before her little sister arrives!?!

Hope all of you are doing well, and pee-peeing in the potty too!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Ali 17 Month Video

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Loving to read :)
I love to brush my own teeth
having fun in the bathtub

Loving to stack cups

The pregnant Mama!

So it's been said that there are no pictures of the pregnant mama, so here they are! The growing belly and all :)

Ali and Daddy's hat

An amazing sunrise! (Though I wish we hadn't been up early enough to see it!)
One of Ali's new tricks, which we DO NOT enjoy! She loves to turn on and off the tv.... over and over and over again...
Ali, being adorable with Daddy's hat!


This doesn't even look like her, but it's a funny picture :)