Kline Family

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

October 2010

Evie's first four wheeler ride! Grandpa would be so proud :)

Adam and Cait (and Liam) attended a conference together in the most beautiful church in Toronto!

Liam learned how to pull himself up to standing!

Evie drew our family as fish :)

We are so lucky our pets are good with kids!

Adam spoke at Echo Lake camp over the long weekend - it was beautiful!

Thanksgiving at Uncle Mike's!

The photographer had some wonderful helpers!

She is so pretty!

We were cleaning out the garden and found lots of carrots!!
She was super proud that she could dig them up all by herself....

Adam went to Odessa, Ukraine with World Hope to do some videography. He was figuring out his camera before he left...

The girls showing off their beautiful new church coats from Grandma!

Ali sliced her own banana for her peanut butter and banana toast... she was so proud!

While Daddy was gone and Grandma was visiting we went up to Kingston to go to Chuck E Cheese with Uncle Matt and Mike and take a trip to Costco!
Evie sure loves Uncle Mike (and his hat!)

Evie was so proud to be able to hold Liam on her favourite ride!
We also headed to Ottawa for Em's baby shower!

Cait & Michelle :)

Kline Clan at the shower
The kids were pretty good!

We also headed to Family Space with Grandma!
Decorated pumpkins and painted pictures in the creative arts room...

Liam fell in love with the balls!

and Evie rode a trike! (she pedaled all by herself! Something she has refused to do up to this point...)

and the girls decorated a 'haunted house' for halloween! (It was delicious when the time came to eat it!)

Ali and Sarah

Princess Ali

Princess Evie

Butterfly Danielle and Pirate Sarah

and Monkey Liam! He had free reign while he helped us hand out candy... boy did he love that!

And away they go!

Our beautiful kids!

September 2010

Ali's first school pictures

Liam loves to help empty the dish washer!

Ali in the firetruck at the Madoc Fair

Our beautiful Evie playing at the park!

Now that this picture is over 2 months old I can't believe how young he looks in it, but the point was to show his pirate tooth! on the top he got a tooth on the side before the middle ones... funny, eh?


The second day of school she was much more willing to smile!

Ali and Daddy heading home from school :)

We went Apple Picking at Campbell's... so fun!

The kids with our 40 lbs!!

Only daddy can carry all our apples like that :)

Monkey see Monkey do!

Oh my! She is beautiful, but that was a LOT of toys to tidy!

The girls were 'working'... computer and phone on their 'desk'... so silly!