Kline Family

Monday, April 23, 2007

We finally get BEAUTIFUL weather!

Ali shows off the fact that she made a HUGE mess
Daddy's silly
Going on a walk with Lindsey -- it's finally warm enough for a t-shirt! Ali didn't enjoy keeping her hat on her head...
... but it sure was adorable!
We got to eat dinner outside because it was so beautiful!
And Ali tried her first arrowroot cookie... she loved it!
And Daddy's trying to help her eat with a spoon - she thinks that they are very exciting!

Kelsey and Brody's visit 4

Sunday, on the way to church, Ali got ahold of Kels' Bible...

... and read it...
... then shared it with you...
Then she went back to those good old sunglasses... what are we going to do now that Kels and her sunglasses are gone ?!?
Wait - that camera looks like a good toy too!
And on the way home from church, Ali just couldn't stay awake :)
What a cutie!

Kelsey and Brody's visit 3

On Saturday we did some visiting, and then headed to Rochester to do some shopping. Then the boys got to enjoy the first weekend at the drive-in.

Mrs. Luckey's orange juice bottle was a huge hit with Ali!
Look how stylish I am!
"Awh dad, don't kiss me in public!"
Gotta love those glasses!
Brody's attempt at teaching Ali how to be Canadian
Ali, at Charcoal Corral, wearing daddy's early birthday present!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Kelsey and Brody's visit 2

We went to Spragues for a great breakfast, and then a little hike on their 'maple farm'.
Ali had a great time (and enjoyed showing off)

wearing daddy's hat
Now that's one stylish little girl
riding on mommy's back
Brody trying to ride on the horses back
What an adorable couple
That tree's got a face!

hahaha, your funny daddy

We had such great weather, it was an amazing weekend!

Kelsey & Brody's visit 1

We had some great visitors this weekend, and got some amazing shots (most of them are Kelsey's, but we'll share them with you anyways!)

Kelsey and Mommy
"Yeay! Let's get some groceries!"
"I am WAY too cool for you!"
"You guys are so mean... I'm tired!!! "
"mmm, your book is great Kelsey!"
Princess Ali sitting on her throne

Sunday, April 15, 2007

with mommy and daddy

We had a pretty busy week, so we didn't get a whole lot of pictures. Ali cut her second tooth though!
Mommy sure loves her little girl!
Ali loves watching the Sens playoff games with Daddy!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Ali's First Easter

Although we all spent Easter sick in some way or another, we had a nice, low key, and relaxing little Easter together.

We went for a brief (and very cold) walk, because mommy and Ali desperately needed to get out and get some fresh air.
Our own wonderful substitute for an Easter dinner.
And our own little Easter bunny!
She still doesn't have much of an appetite, but at least we got a few bites in her tonight!

Waving at the camera
Our fussy and sick little girl, chewing on her bunny.

She sure loves her daddy!
Happy bunny... despite that roseola rash all over her body!
" You can take my picture, as long as I can chew on the camera case."
What a curious little girl!!

She is just so precious.

Happy Easter everyone!

Messy Ali :)

I forgot to mention in the last post that Ali is now 27 inches long and just over 17 lbs. She has been growing fast and doing well :) She has figured out how to get herself into a sitting position from lying on her belly, and she is awfully close to crawling, but just not quite there yet (forward at least).

Yummy yogurt and blueberries!!

Ali desperately wants to feed herself.

Daddy reading with Ali...

... and Ali reading to Daddy!

Hanging out with Pooh and Tigger.