Kline Family

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Ali's First Easter

Although we all spent Easter sick in some way or another, we had a nice, low key, and relaxing little Easter together.

We went for a brief (and very cold) walk, because mommy and Ali desperately needed to get out and get some fresh air.
Our own wonderful substitute for an Easter dinner.
And our own little Easter bunny!
She still doesn't have much of an appetite, but at least we got a few bites in her tonight!

Waving at the camera
Our fussy and sick little girl, chewing on her bunny.

She sure loves her daddy!
Happy bunny... despite that roseola rash all over her body!
" You can take my picture, as long as I can chew on the camera case."
What a curious little girl!!

She is just so precious.

Happy Easter everyone!


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