Kline Family

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Day 3 of renovations on the nursery!

Ali, getting sleepy in her room
Mommy, heading outside to paint while Ali was taking her nap (and no, that's not a basketball!)
And the drywall is almost all up!

Caught in the Act

Daddy, writing his sermon in the sun
Ali, taking a cat nap
Her hair is getting so long!
Ali and Mommy :)
Having a tea party with Mommy!

Playing outside with Daddy and Maggie

...the little Monkey completely emptied mommy's wallet out! I guess it was time to clean it out...
Dinner out at Jungle Jim's

Day 2 of renovations on the nursery!

Yes, that is ALL the insulation that was in that wall...
... but not after Christine and Daddy were done with it!

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Ali, shopping with mommy and daddy for her 17th birthday present....

Look daddy, I'll even wear my seatbelt if you get me this one!!

Day 1 of renovations on the nursery!

The first day in trying to get the nursery ready for our impending little addition!
Daddy enjoyed helping Christine tear out walls... it must be a good stress reliever!

Spring has finally arrived!!! :)

Playing ring around the rosie with mommy on the deck
Ali discovered stickers. She ran to mommy's room and sat down and covered her pants with Mickey and friends. How cute! Then she went to the stairs and took them all off her pants and put them on the wall... :)
One morning at breakfast mommy was making a grocerie list. Ali put aside her breakfast and asked to make her own. It was adorable. She talks while she writes too, she really is telling a story!
Ali playing basketball :)
And trying to get into her wagon.
Finally, snuggling with daddy after a big day of playing outside :)

We are SO glad that the sun is shining and it's getting nice out! Ali LOVES to play outside!

Friday, April 04, 2008

Easter and Love

Ali, watching a little tv with all her friends
The Easter bunny may have come to our house a day late, but he still came and Ali had fun checking out her basket.
Snuggling in bed with daddy, calling mommy to "Come on mom, snuggle too!"
Our little (for a few more weeks) family
Ali was colouring with mommy, and was asking daddy to 'sit, sit' so he could join us.
How precious!!
For some reason Ali is obsessed with cuddling on her stomach on the floor, and she says 'hug' and puts her arm around your neck. It is the sweetest thing ever (except for when she uses her muscles to try to force mommy to lie on her belly too... she doesn't understand that her prego mommy can't do that!) She has been doing this for a while, but this is the first time when we were both home and able to get a picture of it... mommy was lying under the other arm before she left to get the camera :)

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Ring-Around Video