Kline Family

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Evie's growing up!

Here are our big and beautiful little girls!!

Ali has once again decided that Maggie is her best friend, and she is constantly chasing her around trying to dress them both up in toques, scarves, etc.  We have the most amazing dog to never get upset with her!

Ali won't let you near the ground without climbing on you!
Evie has started standing at her toys...
... and is so proud of it!
She is also sitting up on her own.

Look at that crazy hair!!!
My girls, in their matching fleeces from Nana... 
... neither of these were posed... she just loves to be around her sister!!

Ali making her alphabet train puzzle.

Look at that happy and proud little girl!
Evie has also started saying Mama, and she has started to crawl a little bit, taking 3 crawling steps at a time.... she's sure growing up!!  She's over 18 1/2 lbs!

New Years Eve

Evie bringing in the New Year with her god-father

"Dickie/Doey!" as Ali says.

Christmas 2008

This year, we waited until Christmas afternoon, after Nana and Aunt Diana arrived before we opened Christmas presents... 
Boy, was Ali excited about all of her presents!

Evie snuggling with Aunt Diana (or Aunt Dinana)
Our little Christmas dinner
Christmas smooches
Ali and her new kitchen!

Happy girl!
It was Evie's First Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas!!!