Kline Family

Friday, November 13, 2009

November part 1

Look at those beautiful eyes! My little one is growing up fast.

Evie, trying on Ali's Halloween costume, But wait -- you forgot the hat!!
That's better!

She discovered a new favourite toy - building towers! Whenever she wants to do it she starts pointing and saying 'Towwwe, Towwwe..." so sweet!

She's pretty proud!

One morning she was pretty tired... mommy left the room to start lunch and returned to a sleeping girl!!

Ali's loves to gallop around the house!

My stylish girls showing off their new scarves!

Our amazing, faithful, Maggie!

Ali, pretending to walk Maggie, using her scarf...

What a sweet child...
She sure is a beautiful girl :)
Ali, 'talking' with Maggie...
Evie decided this week that she is too big for her chair.... she insisted on sitting up like the rest of the family to eat her food - look how little (yet huge) she looks!!

October part 3

Amy came down for the weekend, and we had a fantastic (although tiring!) weekend. The girls loved playing and doing crafts with her!

Out on our walk to the bakery
There is a big gross frog there, on the edge of the white line, that the girls are looking at

Amy brough Ali part of her halloween costume - wings to go with her hat and antena!!
She was one happy kid!

We met our long-lost friends at Chuck E Cheese in Kingston - the girls had such a blast with all the Hallett kids, and mommy sure enjoyed seeing them and Kim! What a great morning :)
I love this look on Ali's face! She was so happy to be with her friends!!

Evie enjoys playing in the jungle gym with Karaline!

All the big kids eating lunch

Ali thought it was pretty neat that she could control this seat all by herself

Evie loved riding this bus!

October part 2

When Daddy went out of town, Mommy visited some friends with the girls!! The girls had a blast!

She was so proud that she could climb up the steps... but she never made it past this one :)

At the Nepean Museum -- the girls took turns being the police officer, and locking everyone up in the jail!

So cute!

So cute, even if they wouldn't look at the camera! (Evie loves to sit with Ali, although Ali rarely puts up with it!)

Daddy and his smiley girl!! (One last one I had to post from before we left)

Halloween 2009

Although we were sick, Daddy's love for Halloween and Batman enabled us to get ready for halloween at the last second - including carving a pumpkin around 4pm on October 31st!

This was Ali's first pumpkin experience - she was pretty grossed out, but fascinated by the final result!

Our daddy is Batman!

Evie, the 102nd Dalmation

And Ali, the Ladybug! She only went to 2 houses, but was super proud of her candy! She also did a fantastic job of putting items in other peoples bags (until a scary costume came along!)