Kline Family

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Our trip 1: driving and Buffalo

We went on quite a trip in March, which started with a 2 day drive to Pete and Lindsey's house in Buffalo, NY.

While driving through Mass. we saw a formation of fighter planes flying over the highway from a distance, you can see here how low it is to the road. Then, as we got closer...

... this one flew right above our car, close enough to shake the car, and then we took this picture on the other side as it was landing. It was crazy!

We were amazed at the size of the American Extra Large Tim Horton's - Adam is holding the Canadian extra large on the right side of the picture, and the American on the left... it's ridiculous!

Ali and Lindsey, off to look at the ducks in the water

Ali loved having someone new to play at the park with. This was hilarious - Ali wanted to use the monkey bars, but once she was up there she had no idea what to do, and was totally bored. It's like she was wondering why people did this!

We love this couple!!!

Ali and Rudy were a great pair - Ali loved feeding him!

Ali and Rudy checking out Evie's penguin.

The Pasiekas gave Ali a play-doh Ice Cream maker -- she loves it (and I think Lindsey did too!)


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